Atrial fibrillation

Detecting Atrial Fibrillation while there is still time to act

Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disorder that significantly increases the risk of stroke in people with hypertension. With the revolutionary Intellisense AFib technology you can screen for atrial fibrillation during every blood pressure measurement.

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Stroke prevention

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide

Early detection of potential heart conditions and elevated blood pressure, which are major risk factors for strokes, can allow for prompt intervention and potentially prevent strokes.

Around 25% of adults over 40 is at risk of developing AFib¹

AFib, the most common heart rhythm disorder, contributes to 0.28% to 2.6% of Europe's total healthcare spending and increases stroke risk by fivefold. It accounts for 20%-30% of all strokes, which are often more severe or fatal. In the EU, 7.6m people over 65 had AFib in 2016, with an expected 89% increase to 14.4m by 2060.²

AFib raises stroke risk 5x

Atrial fibrillation is initially usually asymptomatic and could remain undiagnosed until or even after development of serious complications like stroke and heart failure, especially in individuals with hypertension.³

Early detection is essential and life-saving

Untreated high blood pressure is itself a risk factor for AFib, creating a dangerous cycle. And the number of AFib patients is increasing rapidly due to the aging population and a sedentary lifestyle.

Early diagnosis and effective treatment could reduce the risk of stroke by 66%⁴

Early AFib detection is essential. But as the risk of AFib grows with age, subtle or mistaken signs leave numerous individuals undiagnosed.50-87% of patients with AFib are initially asymptomatic.⁵ In many cases, routine checkups can miss AFib, underscoring the need for enhanced detection methods to mitigate the risk of complications. Symptoms include:

  • palpitations

  • shortness of breath

  • general weakness

  • chest pain

  • dizziness

AFib-related strokes correlate with higher morbidity and mortality

  • Comparative research highlights the elevated severity faced by AFib stroke patients⁶:

  • Patients with AFib had higher mortality rate 

  • Longer hospital stays: 50 days for AFib stroke patients vs 40 days for stroke patients without AFib

  • Lower home discharge rates for AFib stroke patients

Furthermore: patients with AFib had a lower 1-year survival rate following a stroke with an increased risk of stroke recurrence in comparison to stroke patients who did not have AFib.⁶

Hypertensive patients are 1.7 times more likely to develop AFib accounting for 1 in 6 AFib cases⁸

Additionally, among those with AFib, 60-80% also battle hypertension, amplifying their stroke risk⁹

Accuracy of OMRON's novel technology has been tested with 12 Lead ECG as golden standard


The early detection, treatment and diagnosis of AFib is key for preventing strokes. Blood pressure monitors with AFib screening features have the potential for early detection.


To evaluate the performance of the OMRON’s new AFib screening feature which utilizes machine-learning, a multicenter study at 5 sites in the United States has been conducted. 559 total subjects were enrolled, 267 in AF (AF cohort) and 292 in the Non-AF cohort. AF screening utilized the OMRON BPMs and a similar device from another manufacturer, and a simultaneous 12 Lead ECG was recorded for comparison. All 12 Lead ECGs were interpreted by a board-certified cardiologist who was blind to the BPM results.¹⁰


Intellisense AFib technology: routine blood pressure checks now automatically screen for Atrial Fibrillation with the revolutionary Intellisense AFib technology.

Intellisense AFib technology

Intellisense AFib technology employs machine learning techniques using a unique AI-powered algorithm developed through the analysis of thousands of ECG readings and pulse pressure wave clinical data points, validated in collaboration with medical professionals, ensuring its precision and reliability with a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 98%.

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Pulse Wave Pressure

OMRON's AI-powered technology calculates blood pressure values and detects AFib using pulse pressure wave (PPW) from the blood pressure measurement. A PPW is a waveform that represents arterial pressure changes. Intellisense AFib captures these differences to detect the possibility of AFib.

M7 Intelli IT AFib

Intellisense AFib: Early detection is key in stroke prevention 360 accuracy : OMRON's unique pre-formed Intelli Wrap Cuff makes it virtually impossible to place the cuff incorrectly around the upper arm.¹¹

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¹ Lloyd-Jones DM et al. Lifetime risk for development of atrial fibrillation: the Framingham Heart Study, Circulation. 2004 Aug 31;110(9):1042-6.
² European Society of Cardiology. The ESC. ESC Press Office. Press releases. Available at: by2060. Accessed May 2024.
³. Linz D, Gawalko M, et al. Atrial fibrillation: epidemiology, screening and digital health. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024 Feb 1;37:100786.
⁴ Lei N, et al. Hybrid Decision Support to Monitor Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke Prevention. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jan 19;18(2):813.
⁵ Hindricks G, et al. 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed. Eur Heart J. 2021 Feb 1;42(5):373-498.
⁶ Reference: Jørgensen HS, et al. Acute stroke with atrial fibrillation. The Copenhagen Stroke Study. Stroke. 1996 Oct;27(10):1765-9.
⁷ Staerk, L., et al. (2017). Atrial Fibrillation: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Outcomes. Circulation research, [online] 120(9), pp.1501–1517.
⁸ Shantsila E, et al. Atrial fibrillation: comorbidities, lifestyle, and patient factors. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024 Feb 1;37:100784.
⁹ Dzeshka, Mikhail S., et al. "Atrial fibrillation and hypertension." Hypertension 70.5 (2017): 854-861.
¹⁰ Diagnostic Accuracy for Detecting Atrial Fibrillation Using a Novel Machine Learning Algorithm in a Blood Pressure Monitor, Heart Rhythm published online 29 April 2024. DOI:
¹¹ Bilo G, et al. Impact of cuff positioning on blood pressure measurement accuracy: may a specially designed cuff make a difference? Hypertens Res. 2017 Jun;40(6):573-580.


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