OMRON Connect compatible

M7 Intelli IT


Blood Pressure Monitors

5 years of warranty *

The M7 Intelli IT is a clinically validated, Bluetooth enabled, blood pressure monitor that detects the possibility of Atrial fibrillation (AFib). From Omron the number one recommended brand by Cardiologists for home blood pressure monitors in Europe

Intelli Wrap Cuff (22–42 cm)

AFib Indicator Function

Compatible with OMRON connect app

Device Type
Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
Weight of Device (kg)
Cuff Type
Intelli Wrap Cuff 22–42 cm
Cuff Wrap Guide
Memory management
2 Users x 100 Readings
Irregular Heartbeat Detection
Body Movement Detection
Clinical Validation, Diabetic Validation, Pregnancy Validation
AFib detection
Easy High Blood Pressure Indicator
Advanced Positioning Sensor
Storage Case Included
Averaging Function
Compatible Mobile App
Compatible with Omron connect app
Item Dimensions (mm)
191 x 120 x 85

Compare your latest results

M7 intelli IT has a dual screen, letting you compare your latest results with other daily readings and your weekly averages.

Detecting AFib

Press and hold the start button for 2 seconds. The device will measure your blood pressure and detect AFib with a high specificity and sensitivity.

Easy-to-use with cuff wrapping guide

Wrap the cuff at least one finger above your elbow line. During inflation, the cuff wrap guide will signal if the cuff is on correctly.

Know your body’s rhythm

Track your blood pressure over time as your readings automatically update to your mobile through the OMRON connect app.

The easy way to get accurate results

OMRON’s unique pre-formed, Intelli Wrap Cuff makes it virtually impossible to place the cuff incorrectly around the upper arm.

OMRON Intelli Wrap Cuff


Bilo G, Sala O, Perego C, et al. Impact of cuff positioning on blood pressure measurement accuracy: may a specially designed cuff make a difference?. Hypertens Res. 2017;40(6):573–580.

Omron Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor Instruction Manual

Topouchian J. et al. Clinical accuracy of the Omron M3 Comfort and the Omron Evolv for self-blood pressure measurements in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia - validation according to the Universal Standard Protocol. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2018 Aug 31;14:189-197.

Chahine M. et al. Validation of BP devices QardioArm in the general population and Omron M6 Comfort in type II diabetic patients according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH-IP). Med Devices (Auckl). 2017 Dec 27;11:11-20.

Market research by Kantar Health GmbH: European Survey with Cardiologists in 9 Countries n=69 (DE, FR, IT, ES, UK, NL, BE, PL and RU). May 2019. Data available on request.

Morillo, Carlos A et al. “Atrial fibrillation: the current epidemic.” Journal of geriatric cardiology : JGC vol. 14,3 (2017): 195-203.


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